connected at work


Hi, I’m Hanna Zorándy

I love the body and its aliveness, and have always been fascinated by life, the living matter and what it means to be alive.

After becoming a Biologist, I continued my molecular research in Neuroscience, at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. Studying Science and Business Management then brought me to the world of start-ups and business.

‘Where could I use all my talents, and how could I satisfy my curiosity?’ - I wondered. That's how I entered the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam as a full-time art student. But that wasn’t enough, I wanted to explore the body more and so I started my training in the Pantarei Approach in Berlin.

It became clear that although biology and fine arts opens a window to a diverse and exciting world, my path leads me to somatic bodywork. Here I can explore the wonders of our bodies and our aliveness. When working with my clients, I help them connect to their own resources, unique qualities and abilities, so that they can use them in different situations in their life.


Half-day, 1-day, and 3-day workshops

Pantarei sessions 1-on-1

Daily and Weekly Yoga Classes


Half-day, 1-day, and 3-day Pantarei workshops

Tailored to Build Trust



We all have the wish to connect to our own authenticity. We might try to do so through our daily lives,  our creative practice or career choices but sometimes we get distracted or even lost. How do you live your authentic self? Does your brain have the answer? Does your body have the answer? 

During Pantarei workshops we want them both on board, joining forces together. Through bodywork, touch and verbal communication you’ll find your way back to your strengths and abilities. Connecting to your unique qualities enables you to tackle any obstacles in your personal and professional life, simply by having more access to your own resources. We explore together, and build trust with yourself, your own body, and with each other as a group along the way.

Our ability to notice the strengths of the people we meet, determines our ability to see our own strengths, and thereby improve our relationship with our community.
— Vered Manasse & Claudia Glowik, Pantarei Approach Founders

more about The Pantarei approach

The Pantarei Approach, founded in Berlin, is an innovative somatic bodywork based approach that offers a profound methodology for our current life and times. In a world where people are often disconnected from their own inner voice, and out of touch with their physical bodies, Pantarei practitioners and facilitators help people to break through incredible barriers, to tap into their own unique sense of strength and purpose, in order to make significant life changes and accomplish their goals. See more at

  • During the year program we give a number of tailored-to-need workshops, every 2-3 months. We create a continuous base for communication, trust and a stable community feeling that can support the team, department or group with any challenges that they might face. An arch and deepening that can only be achieved with time.

  • We slowly build up the different ways we can tap into our bodies and our unique qualities and strengths. The arch of the workshop allows participants to go deep and secure meaningful connection with themselves and others in an easeful process.

  • A taster workshop of what we can achieve through connecting to ourselves and our bodies, through bodywork, touch, and verbal communication.

I’ve always heard people talk about being grounded but I’ve never really understood what it means. Now I just know because I’ve experienced it.
— Maria, 33, Supply Chain Consultant specialized in Life Cycle Analysis
I’m so glad this was my first day, and I got to meet all these people within this workshop. Sometimes we have already touched each other before exchanging names. I really enjoyed that!
— Caroline, 27, Industrial Designer
I’d have never thought that it could be so light, fun and joyous to connect to myself and others.
— Claire, 35, Digital Analysis Lead
We have created so much trust within our group, I’ve never experienced this kind of trustful connection to develop with others this quickly. I was completely comfortable being touched and touching others.
— James, 32, Software Engineer

1-on-1 Pantarei sessions

Full focus on you and your wellbeing

Pantarei sessions are a wonderful tool to get more in contact with yourself. What does it mean to be you right now? Have you come with some heavy load? Did you bring the past or the future with you? When we look at all of that together, our focus is on you: who are you in all of this? When we feel connected to who we are, all our resources and unique qualities, we have a stronger footing in our own life. We doubt less, we are more balanced and satisfied with ourselves and our own life. We feel less need for changing ourselves, and have more ability to make the changes in our lives that we do want. What better support on your self chosen path, and to make your life what you really wish for?

Full focus

on you and your wellbeing


Why make 1-on-1 sessions part of your wellbeing package?

When we can fully focus on our wellbeing we usually know what we need. In the comfort of an individual session we can create the environment to allow deep exploration and the chance for jumpstarting any transformation. When we have access to our resources and strength, making the changes we want in our lives can be a more effortless process. Individual sessions could explore: health issues - private matters - complex issues - curiosity for self-discovery - wishing to understand personal and professional needs - integrating past experiences


Daily and Weekly

Yoga Classes

A rhythm that makes you move

Daily yoga and meditation classes online allow for an easeful start of the day. When we have just 20 minutes to start our day with movement, breath and tuning in, there is a rhythm to our day, and with that there is focus, lightness and a certain calmness even in the busiest of days. Together with the weekly 60 minutes classes there is room for depth and progress.

Giving yoga classes regularly, I have seen what it can do on the long run for employees and their wellbeing. We have not only created a soft landing for their work day but also managed to build a community feeling: a group of people who connected and built ties beyond their work relationships.


Companies and institutions I worked with include


Dream it


embody it


Dream it 〰️ embody it 〰️


some scientific voices


The body as the gateway to ourselves

In ‘The Body Keeps the Score’, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments and comes to validate the importance of bodywork in allowing people to become more fully present with life.


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