Be you, Your unique self





I truly believe that every individual needs to be treated with full respect to their unique being. We are all extraordinary in our way of existence. One-of-a-kind in our stories and our past. Unique in our body, breath and mind.

You can express that uniqueness in all aspects of your life. In our process together, there might be an abrupt realisation that makes the difference. Sometimes you would appreciate a longer process to make your discoveries.

I am here to explore with you and to figure out how you can connect to your own strengths and unique qualities fully.



The Pantarei Approach is an innovative somatic bodywork based approach that offers a profound methodology for our current life and times. In a world where people are often disconnected from their own inner voice, and out of touch with their physical bodies, Pantarei practitioners help people to tap into their own unique sense of strength and purpose, in order to break through incredible barriers, make significant life changes and accomplish their goals.

The Pantarei Approach was founded in Berlin, Germany. Certified practitioners work through empathetic touch and verbal communication, guiding clients on their own journey toward personal growth and self-actualisation. Our mission is to contribute to a society in which people support each other, are interested, curious, passionate and eager to learn. A society in which the uniqueness of each person can be perceived as a gift and as a contribution for others. See more at


accessing your uniqueness

You've probably heard it many times before that your strengths, your powers are within you. You’ve might gotten frustrated, angry or even disappointed hearing this, and not being able to fully access your strengths. I agree, hunting for treasures that are out of reach is painful.

What if we explore first and foremost who you are? What do your longings tell about you? What do your past experiences show about you? How did you survive and dealt with life, and what are the unique qualities that you had and have gained in the process?

I want you to see these qualities and abilities as something available, this space as something accessible. And I want you to know that there is a way and it is more simple than not, and I am here to discover more with you and connect to this power that you possess.



let’s get in touch



We all have a unique history, our stories of the past that can have a striking effect on our present life. Revisiting these stories and tapping into your body - into its resources, energy and strength - can help you with any struggle, challenge or obstacle. We do this together in a very interactive process where you will also discover your own integrity, your own impact, how it is easiest for you to connect with yourself.


When we move in groups, so much can happen. We connect to ourselves and build trust together. We support each other connecting to our own unique qualities. Through all kinds of activities: bodywork, touch, sharing and listening, you’ll find your way back to your strengths and abilities. Join us for a fully supported exploration, where we take time for integrating and processing our experiences.


Your yoga needs to feel good. If it doesn’t feel good, it is not the right yoga for you. When we personalise your yoga, we create a practice that you can do in your own space and time, that is adapted to your individual self - age, body-type, lifestyle, health and culture. So that you can slip into your yoga effortlessly, with ease, and enjoy all its benefits daily.

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Let the words, experiences and recommendations of others tell the tale. Listen what Pantarei sessions or your daily Yoga can do in your life.

With this, I give the foreground to some of the exceptional, beautiful and unique people that I had the pleasure to work with.